Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Guest Blogger Miranda Wetzell

Four Fun Facts about Miranda Wetzell  
Miranda Wetzell and To Kill a Mockingbird

What is your favorite book?
1. My favorite book of all time is To Kill a Mockingbird.  I realize that is a very English teacher-y thing to say, but it's true.  The story line is one that transcends time and is something relatable in some way to every generation.  My non-teacher-y favorite read is anything by James Patterson.  I love the fast paced story lines, and as a busy mom, the short chapters make me feel like I accomplished something. 

What is your favorite way to read: digital, print, or audio?
2. I am someone who needs a physical book in my hand.  There's something to be said for turning a page or getting to close a book once you're done reading it.  I liken it to this: our current generation will never know what it is like to hang up on someone and have the person on the other end of the line KNOW you're angry by the way you hang up. That old fashioned slamming of the receiver was a catharsis.   Likewise, there's something satisfying about slamming a book shut when you are unhappy about the outcome or gently closing a book and sighing when all is right in the literary world.  Angrily jamming one's finger to close an e-book just doesn't have the same effect. 

For your fun reading, do you typically read fiction or nonfiction?
3. I have read so much non-fiction for classes and my job, that I enjoy unwinding with a good fiction read.  However, I'm a sucker for Elizabethan history, so I read a great deal of non-fiction regarding that topic. The Tudors make for some page turning reading. 

Who is your favorite character from a book? 
4. With TKaM being my favorite book, Scout and Atticus Finch come to mind.  Scout is so innocent, yet she is insightful beyond her years...Atticus (TKaM version, NOT Watchman style) is so fair-minded and willing to do what is right no matter what the cost.  That innocence that is so lost at a younger and younger age these days is something that is captured perfectly in TKaM.  The desire to do what is right is something I think a lot of people still possess but are too afraid to act on.  

I also love Wonder Woman.  I'm currently reading The Secret History of Wonder Woman and she is just a fascinating character.  She paved the way for a lot of strong women heroines. 

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